RSE bus at mslc

I'll never forget this experiment

"Thank you for sharing your time to show us all about worms. My favorite part of the experiment was the leeches. I liked how they could grow very long and get really skinny. I’ll never forget this experiment. I’ll be seeing you next year. Thank you again!" - Student

I liked the one that made your hair go up

The activities we did were amazing! I especially liked the one that made your hair go up. Thank you for the amazing trip I look forward to college! Sincerely, Mary

I would come back many more times!

Thank You Soooooooo much for everything! The experience at the Math and Science Learning Center was absolutley amazing! Honestly, this field trips is the in the top three of the field trips that I've had! If I could, I would come back here many more times! Sincerely, Briana

Bus was transformed into a laboratory

"Once again, you and the graduate students of the Rutgers Science Explorer Bus provided an extraordinary experience for our sixth, seven, and eighth-grade students. As the bus was transformed into a laboratory, students took the role of environmentalists, biologists, forensic anthropologists, and chemical geologists to find solutions, identities, and challenges. Science Teacher - Haskell, NJ

Worms are really good for plants

"Thank you, Dr. Torres for welcoming us to your site. I admire your time to teach us and take of your time to present and prepare this lesson. Thank you for making the presentation interesting by showing us the leeches and earthworms. I also like the layers neatly in the bottles and when it got messed up. What was more memorable for me about your presentation was that the leeches are good for sucking the bad blood out of you. I mention that I will always remember of that day will be that worms are good for the plants. I look forward to attending college." - Student

Liked examining earthworms

"Thank you so much for a wonderful morning of worms lessons. It was really fun, and I had a great time learning about leeches and earthworms. The part that I liked the most was when we examined living earthworms. I actually touched them! I also now know how to tell which side is the head of the worm. I found the lessons very interesting! Our time there was greatly appreciated. Thank you." - Student

I will never forget this field trip!

"Thank you so much for that exciting lesson on worm and leeches. I really appreciate the time and effort that you put into planning that wonderful lesson for my class. I really liked examining the leeches because it was so new to me. I don’t think I will ever forget this wonderful field trip I also don’t think I will forget learning about earthworms. Once again thank you!" - Student

I might want a job as a volcanologist

"I wasn't really interested in science. Now that I know that there is more to science than just testing things, I might want to get a job as a volcanologist." Science student - Robinsville, NJ

It was hard, but who doesn't like a challenge

Thank you for the fun field trip on Friday. I loved when we were trying the experiments! ... All the experiments were amazing! ... I loved when we had to examine the skull to find out what gender it was and where was it from it was kinda hard but who doesn't like a challenge. Sincerely, Mia

It was gross and amazing!

"It was so cool learning about the leeches and the earthworms. The thing I now know about leeches is that they suck your blood. And the thing I learned about earthworms is where their head and feet are. Even if I did find it gross it was amazing! I can’t wait to go the Rutgers!!" - Student

The kids were talking about it for weeks

"I just wanted to thank you so very, very much for the most recent visit we had with the Rutgers Science Explorer Bus! Anthony, Jessica, and Brittany were fantastic and the kids were talking about the activity literally for weeks. They can't wait until you're coming again! It was just really an awesome three days here and I thank you again for everything!" Science Teacher - New Brunswick, NJ

I loved studying the skulls

Thank you! I really loved visiting the Math and Science Learning center. I loved studying the skulls and becoming a Forensic Anthropologist. Sincerely, Sreya

The trip was spectacular!

Thanks for everything we got to see and do when we went to Rutgers! The trip was spectacular! I hope I can go to college at Rutgers. Also, the place is awesome! I liked when we got to touch all the science experiments hope I can go there again. Sincerely, Josue

The Students had Fun

"Just to let you know, your staff is great and the students really had fun." Science teacher - Bayonne, NJ

Science could be fun!

" I never knew science could be this fun. " Science student - Robisville, NJ

Everything made me curious and excited

I loved being at the Math and Science Learning Center; everything there just made me so curious and excited. Sincerely, Mohammed

Results 1 - 17 of 17